Verse for Today

Monday, February 13, 2012

The One-Year Bible - 11 February 2012

Exodus 32:1 - 33:23
Matthew 26:69 - 27:14
Psalm 33: 1-11
Proverbs 8: 33-36

Exodus reading: The dangers of ministers pandering to the fleshly desires of people are plainly evident in this passage.  Aaron, newly-ordained as priest, has soon thereafter acceded to the people's demands to build a golden calf for them to worship in place of God, even going so far as to oversee the building thereof and to direct the festivities.

But let us modern ministers not be too smug and look down on Aaron, for we have been giulty of building a few "golden calves" ourselves.  Too often we have failed to be prophetic when confronted with issues; pastoral when needed by our people; apostolic when the wider church and community has called on us, teachers when people have needed to be taught, and evangelistic when called us to be witnesses.

When we neglect these roles of ministry in a weak attempt to try and keep everyone happy (i.e. doing what they want, rather than what helping them become who God wants them to be), we create golden calves, substituting junk food for the nourishment of the Gospel.  Eventually we end up failing to even recognise the God whom we are meant to be serving.

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